파이어폭스가 IE7.0에 승리

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파이어폭스가 IE7.0에 승리

Post by trat »

Firefox revels in IE7 victory

It's just one minor battle in a war it likely won't win, but Mozilla's Firefox has tasted victory--and it is little and orange.
Microsoft's (nasdaq: MSFT - news - people ) forthcoming Internet Explorer 7 browser will adopt Firefox's RSS feed icon, the company announced on a blog--effectively making the orange square with white radio waves the industry standard.
Representatives of giant Microsoft's Redmond, Wash.-based IE7 team even took a trip down to tiny Mozilla's Mountain View, Calif. offices to work out a deal. "We all agreed that it’s in the user’s best interest to have one common icon to represent RSS and RSS-related features in a browser," the Microsoft team wrote. The team had said in October that it would design an original RSS icon.
The 12th version of Microsoft's outlook e-mail client, due out in 2006, will also use the orange icon.
Mozilla's Firefox, which is compatible with both PC and Mac systems, has seen rapid adoption since it was first released in November 2004. Developed by a group of programmers, spearheaded by wunderkind Blake Ross in 2003, more than 100 million people downloaded the free software and chose to use it instead of Microsoft's Internet Explorer because of the program's extra features like an integrated pop-up ad blocker and tabbed browsing.
While the software is free, it is now managed by the Mozilla Corporation, a for-profit organization established in August.

윈도우 OS에 끼워팔면서 거칠게 없어 보이던 브리우저 IE...
그러나 Firefox 등장으로 빌게이츠의 속을 끓게 만들면서 공공연히 Firefox에 대한 두렴움을 표현하기도 했는데..이번에 결국 공식즉으로 스스로 약간이나마 패배를 자인하고 말았군요.

MS의 IE 브라우저의 담당부사장인 레드먼드가 모질라 사무실로 찾아가서 Firefox의 대표적인 기능은 RSSfeed 등 여러가지 Firefox 기능사용에 대한 거래를 합의햇다고 합니다...

하여튼 개인적인 생각에는 앞으로 브라우저의 대세는 Firefox로 기울듯 합니다.


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