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FireFox on Steroids

Posted: 2005 04 07 20:05 08
by srv507
우연히 웹 서핑을 하다가 발견했습니다.

<a href=" ... mitstart=1" >FireFox on Steriods</a>

That's all there is to it, and if you're on a broadband connection your page load will be at least 2-3 times faster then previously. This is just the one of the many advantages that Firefox has over Internet Explorer. While Internet Explorer still has this type of capability, though you will notice the speed in FireFox more. Some of the other features include tabbed browser windows for easier browsing, built in pop up blocker that is much better than Internet Explorer's, and other great features not found in IE. There are also many plugins, one of them being Adblock that has the ability to block iframe, images, swf, and other embedded ads. Another nice feature about this browser is that I have not received a single piece of SpyWare from a site while using it, although I'm not out looking for them either. More and more people are downloading this awesome browser every day, if you don't have it--I highly recommend you Join them.
외국에서 인터넷을 사용하는 저 같은 경우에는 확실하게 속도가 빨라진것을 느꼈습니다. 특히 외국에서 한국싸이트 접속하는 경우 같은 경우 말입니다.


Posted: 2005 04 08 05:54 05
by psail
firefox on steroid.....라...
더 강하고 빠르게 이용하라는 뜻이겠지요...

내용이 영어 몰라도 척하면 알 수 있게 잘 표시되어 있네요.

about:config 에 있는 내용 몇 가지의 내용을 수정하란 얘기네요..
다들 알고 계시는 내용일 것 같은데..

모르시는 분들은 한 번 방문해서 보시길..