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평범한 사용자에게는 의미없는 경고인가요?

Post by jyhjyh777 »

도구-오류 정보 의 경로를 통해 들어가면 요즘 매일 보는 듯 하네요.
그냥 평범한 이용자라면 별 의미없는 경고인가요?
그래도 과연 무슨 뜻인지 좀 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다.

경고: RDFItemUpdater:_parseV20UpdateInfo: No updates were found for:
If you are an Extension developer and were expecting there to be
updates, this could mean any number of things, since the RDF system
doesn't give up much in the way of information when the load fails.

Try checking that:
1. Your RDF File is correct - e.g. check that there is a top level
RDF Resource with a URI urn:mozilla:extension:{GUID}, and that
the <em:updates> listed all have matching GUIDs.
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