마이크로 소프트에서 파폭 플러그인이 나왔네요.

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Re: 마이크로 소프트에서 파폭 플러그인이..

Post by lesmin »

받아서 설치해보니, 기본 plugin보다 향상되었음을 확인할 수 있었습니다.
재생영역이 번쩍거리거나 width/height가 제대로 표현되지 않던 문제들이 해결되었군요.

단점이라면 Firefox Addon 형식이라기보다 Netscape기반 plugin 형식이라
Addon 관리메뉴에서 설정을 변경하거나 삭제할 수는 없습니다.

다운로드URL: http://port25.technet.com/pages/windows ... nload.aspx
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Re: 마이크로 소프트에서 파폭 플러그인이..

Post by astraea »

받아서 설치해보니, 기본 plugin보다 향상되었음을 확인할 수 있었습니다.
재생영역이 번쩍거리거나 width/height가 제대로 표현되지 않던 문제들이 해결되었군요.
개선 사항 안내입니다
Some advances over the old plugin:

It supports scripting
I'll put up a simple example when I have time.

It shows visualisations

It supports relative local paths:
Say you have a file called C:\some folder\player.htm with a WMP player that points to C:\some folder\vid.wmv - Normally you would just have the player pointing to 'vid.wmv' since the file is in the same place. This worked in IE but not in the old WMP plugin. Online it was ok, but not local. Local media files would only work if you specified the whole local file path - C:\some folder\vid.wmv - this made testing web pages before uploading awkward. The new plugin fixes this.

It supports more parameters:
The old plugin did not support several parameters that the ActiveX control did, such as loop and hidden. The new one does.

It supports true and false as attribute values:
IE supports values of true and false for attributes such as autostart. The old plugin required values of 1 and 0 for most.


It only works in Windows XP and up.

The installer detects and installs to the plugins folder of installed versions of Firefox. This means it won't install to other browsers, or zip builds of Firefox.
true, false 를 인식하게 된게 가장 크게 다가오는 부분 같네요

xpi 로도 배포가 되다가 링크가 사라진거 같아요~_~
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